I have been doing some experiments with Healing oils to see if they are effective at reducing the inflammation caused by EMF (electromagnetic frequency) exposure, such as using a cell phone or working on a laptop for an hour or longer.
EMF exposure to cellular, WiFi and even excess “dirty electricity” has a noticeable effect on our blood, causing oxidative damage. Up until this point, the only rapid and effective way to decrease that oxidative damage for me has been with grounding, where we can take up electrons from the earth and neurtalize free radicals. Free radicals are unpaired electrons that can damage our cells and DNA. We need to neutralize these with something that is an antioxidant (donates an electron), and it turns out that the earth (dirt, grass, lake or ocean water, sand) is the best antioxidant.
We can use an EMF reader to see various amounts of RF (radio frequency) or electric or magnetic frequencies coming through different devices, outlets, and appliances.
Here is an example of the RF frequencies from a laptop and note that the safe range is <0.1-0.5 mW/m2, anything over 1 for a period of time, like working on a computer all day, causes cellular damage and inflammation.
Here is electric frequencies coming through a typical outlet in a properly grounded house. Anything over 10 V/m can cause cellular damage after periods of time. Also keep in mind that electric fields can extend 6-8 feet into a room, this is dirty electricity.
We should be grounding outside, barefoot as much as possible every day. This is difficult when we have jobs that involve the use of technology for many hours every day, or when we live in a cold environment in the winter. I want to find ways to help our body deal with EMF exposure effects and one thing I have tested recently is Healing oils from a company that contacted me called Kure-it, here is their website https://www.biblehealingoil.com/wendi20
I tested Oil of Elijah – Ultimate Strength Biblical Healing & Anointing Oil:
“The Oil of Elijah is composed of Sacred Green Hojari Omani Frankincense Resin, Grade A Myrrh Resin and Natural Sandalwood Resin, all combined with premium organic olive oil via our unique incense infusion process.” I chose this oil to test as it is especially beneficial for inflammation.
After working on my computer for 1-3 hours in the morning, I looked at my blood under the microscope and then used the oil on my skin, putting it on my face and neck so that I could breathe the scent as well as absorb the oil into my bloodstream through the skin. After 30 minutes, I looked at my blood again. I did this every morning for 3 days. Each day you can see that I start with variable amounts of inflammation and red blood cell oxidation and this is because it is difficult to have the exact same circumstances every day. After the oil each day my blood was improved.
Below I have videos that show each of three days, before and after using the oil. I scroll around the microscope slide so you can get an idea of the whole sample. I also zoom in and out with the 60x objective so the magnification changes between 600X and 1200X.
Day 1 before the oil
Notice that the red blood cells are sticking together, this honeycomb pattern occurs frequently after EMF exposure due to changes in the charge of the cell membranes. Our cells function using voltage and we are affected by voltage and many electromagnetic frequencies. You can also see red blood cells that are “bumpy”, this is oxidative damage to the cell membranes.
Day 1 after oil
There is less honeycomb pattern and less oxidative damage.
Day 2 before oil
In this video clip you can see the honeycomb patter again, as well as platelet aggregations (micro clots) and eosinophils (immune cells invovled in inflammation) are active.
Day 2 after oil
There is still some honeycomb patter but it is significantly decreased.
Day 3 before oil
Day 3 is interesting because it is also when I decided to try using a grounding sheet plugged into the ground of a plug for half the night. With excess dirty electricity, using a grounding sheet in an outlet caused symptoms, hard to describe, feels like being microwaved, if you can picture that kind of feeling. I had to unplug the sheet around 1am and I am going to try something different I will explain in another post. But the morning of day 3 is an example of excessive amounts of EMF exposure. In this video you can see rouleau that is caused by highly altered red blood cell charges.
Day 3 after oil
There is still visible oxidative stress but the rouleau is significantly decreased.
Using these oils in combination with minimizing exposure to excessive EMF and other toxins and grounding on a regular basis can help to mitigate the inflammatory effects of EMF exposure.
Nutritional Consulting: https://dr-wendihealth.com/nutrition-consulting/
Udemy courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/wendi-roscoe/