Dr Wendi's Health

Live and Dry Blood Analysis

Live and Dry Blood Analysis

What can we see in our blood?

For Live Blood Analysis (LBA), we can use brightfield and darkfield microscopy to look at components in the blood.  The above video is an example of a sample viewed using brightfield with a 60X objective lens that magnifies what we can see by 1200x.  In a live sample we can see red blood cells, white blood cells (immune cells), of which there are many various types such as neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes.  We can also see platelet aggregations that can form microclots, we can see fibrin that is part of the clotting cascade.  We can see tiny moving dots that are called chylomicrons and are a result of digesting fats in our food.  We can sometimes see crystals, such as uric acid, or cholesterol, and we can see parasites or certain types of bacteria. 

There are various anomalies in the blood that can give us an indicaiton of several health issues including: oxidative stress, liver stress, digestive issues, mineral or vitamin deficiencies, toxicity, allergies, immune function and more.

What is involved?

To perform a live or dry blood analysis, I use a simple lancet, similar to that used to do a finger prick for blood sugar testing.  A tiny drop of blood is placed on a coverslip that is then placed carefully onto a microscope slide.

My microscope has an iPad so clients can immediately visualize the blood sample in real time.  During the analysis, I explain what can be seen in the sample and what it means.  After every appointment, clients receive a full summary report including images and videos of their blood sample, as well as many health, dietary, and lifestyle recommendations.

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